Saturday, February 09, 2008
YOWZAAAA I AM BACK. After like 2 months hurhurhu. Jiya says she'll kill Shirota Yuu if I don't update. AND YES YES I AM A SHIROTA YUU FAAAAAAN, AND SELF-APPOINTED CHAIRPERSON OF THE SHIROTA YUU OCFC :D (OCFC: Obsessive Compulsive Fan Club) Currently we have 3 members, Jiya and Leia, and me! (: Interested people, TELL ME (:
Shirota is the hottest person ever. Oh and Kanata Hongo is cute too! (:
Anyway, it's Chinese New Year, and I have been bingeing like mad. BAD BAD BAAAAAD. I'm going to start eating healthy when it's over. (No starving of oneself please. People who starve themselves are gross. They have no life.)
Visiting was cool, even if I had less angpows than past years haha (: Everyone seemed to be on sugar high! And cousins were all being funny.
And then, today was Berenice's CNY gathering! So Ruixin decided to meet me before we went to Berrynice's place, but we felt quite weird cause we only brought oranges so we decided to go to Sheng Shiong to buy some other stuff for everyone before going. And since we couldn't find fortune cookies, we bought this funny looking jelly stuff and it was so funny carrying it around in public.
So Ruixin and I had a very amusing bus ride with the jelly thing, and me constantly ranting about my Shirota Yuu. THEN, I LOST MY WALLET (cause I left it in the bus I think) AND THE BUS OPERATOR CAN'T FIND IT. PFFFFBTT
Berrynice's gathering was fun with dumb chick flicks (Like John Tucker Must Die, which many of us had watched over a gazillion times) and lame conversations over the dining table (with much thanks to the resident lame-o, Yutan.) and rantings over our favouritest anime, Prince of Tennis! <3
Oh and there was also a Yamapi FC VS Shirota FC (led by me, of course!) war. (Ruixin, Berenice VS Jiya, me) Hahaha
Sexy jelly thing on the dining table. Endorsed by our dear Leia Teo.SHIROTA YUU OCFC FTWSec fours <3 With Jiya the extra (that rhymes!)And finally, here we present you with the coolest thing found on Berrynice's house walls:
Posted at 5:21 PM